Geneva NY Directory 1857-58 U to end
Utton, John carpenter h. Poultney n Hamilton
Updike, John
h. Milton w Castle
Vance, Allen D. gentleman h. Main s Seneca
Vale, C. D. college student b. John Smith
Ver Plank, cashier bank of Geneva h. Park s Water Cure
Vine, Anthony morocco dresser for G. C. Seeley h. Main n of Bank; Kimbers block
Voories, Mrs. J.
h. south Water Cure
Voories, Alfred
h. Catharine s Castle
Vesman, William H. teamster h Colt
Van Tyle, Alexander
h. New w Colt
Van Geeson, Marvil farmer h. Washington e of West
Van Geeson, Sarah - wid of Thomas
h. Poultney s Washington
Van Brunt, Joseph carpenter h. Hamilton e Poultney
Van Geeson, Henry
h. Grove n Washington
Van Bergen, Orris broom maker h. Elm n Castle
Van Horn, Gideon (col) boatman h. Lake shore
Van De Mark, Lurena - wid of Henry
h. Washington w Poultney
Van Vranken, William lumber dealer
Van Derburg, Aby turner for D. W. Beard h. William w Castle
Van Ness, Garrett boat captain h. Water n Lewis
Van Netten, Joshua carpenter Genesee n. Colt
Van Deren, W. C. of Bernard & Van Deren b. Mansion House
Van Lew, William blacksmith Castle cor. Main
Van Lew, Pascall blacksmith h. e Union w Poultney
Watson, Frances G. college student b. at W. W. Watson's
Wade, William cl'k in Post Office b. at Mrs. Hamlin's
Wade, H. machinist for Dunning & Tillman b. at Mrs. Judd's
Wade, Amasa
h. Geneva n Castle (e side)
Watson, William W. saddle and harness maker; Seneca e Main h. Main s Trinity Church
Warth, Samuel grocery and provision store; Water n Castle h. same
Waltz, Laker laborer for Prouty and Chew b. at D. Johnson's Water st
Wheat, Corydon dealer in crockery &c. Seneca st h. William w Poultney
Wight, George hatter h. Geneva n Castle
Wilder, J. D. V. M. D. office Seneca w Post Office h. Geneva w Water
Wright, Norman cl'k for J. W. Baker b. with same
Wright, Daniel shoemaker h. Linden s Castle
Whiting, John K. att'y at law h. Main s Trinity Church
Wilson, E. painter h. Main n Seneca
Wilson, Samuel upholster Seneca w Water h. Poultney s of William
Wheeler, John V. Farmer h. Washington e Grove
Wheeler, John boatman h. West s William
Wheeler, Anson agent Geneva steam boat company h. cor of Geneva and Tillman
Wheeler, Daniel ship carpenter h. cor Water and Washington
Wiggins, F. G. daguerreian artist Seneca e Linden h. Grove n William
Wyburn, Edwin physician Wheat's block; Seneca w of Water st h. Geneva s Tillman
Welsh, Bridget laundress h. Main Kimber's block
Welch, John pedler h Washington st we of water cure
Wood, Sidney Machinist for Dunning & Tillman; h. Grove n of Washington st
Wood, N. H. hat and cap store No. 27 Water st h. same
Whitwell, James grocery No. 5 Water st n of Castle
Whitwell, John town assessor office Water st n Franklin House h. Elm n Castle
Winn, William bar keeper Central Hotel; R. R. b. same
Wise, Ambrose cigar maker h. Geneva n Colt
Walker, Calvin att'y at law and justice of peace; office Water st Prouty's block upstairs h. Washington st w of the Park
Wallice, John boot and shoe store; Seneca e Main h. same
Williams, W. W. canal contractor h. No. 28 William
Worth, W. H. daguerrean; room over Dr. Church; Seneca w Water st s side
Woodby, William wheat buyer h. Water st s Franklin House
Wallus, Stephen works for Dunning & Tillman b. with Mrs. Marium
White, Samuel book-keeper for T. D. Burrall h. Genesee n Burrall street
Woodcock, M. H. music master h. Water st n Castle
Woodward, John
b. at Mrs. Old's
Whiting, George college student b. J. Smith
Welch, William laborer h. West st n of William st
Wilson, W. D. D. D. professor of Christian Ethics Hobart College h. Main s College w side
Williams, John barber L. K. Shulingbarger b. with same
Williams, John
b. at George Merrill's
Yotes, Miss A. R. milliner Main s of Seneca street
Yeomans, E. student H. Taylor's Academy b. John Smith
Young, Aaron coroner Ontario county h. Castle w of Main
Young, John collector for the town of Seneca b. Aaron Young
Yeomans, Caleb grocer Main st. e of Park
Yobrist, John butcher for P. Dillen h. Poultney w Milton

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